Falling Cubes


Falling Cubes example shows two hundred cubes falling across the view port. The cubes have been colored using non-realistic Gooch shading, where the mesh surface color is mixed with warm and cold colors using surface’s normals. Gooch shader has been written in OpenGL GLSL Shading Language. Falling animation is implemented using SmoothedAnimation element.

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import Qt3D 1.0
import QtQuick 1.0
import Qt3D.Shapes 1.0

Viewport {
    id: fallingCubes
    width: 800; height: 480
    property color coolColor: Qt.rgba(0.3 + 0.1*Math.random(),
                                      0.3 * Math.random(),
                                      0.5 + 0.1*Math.random())
    Item3D {
        x: -4.2; y: -1.62; scale: 0.23
        Quad {
            x: 18.4; y: 6.8; z: -10; scale: 18
            transform: Rotation3D {
                angle: 90; axis: Qt.vector3d(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
            effect: Effect {
                property real fade
                SequentialAnimation on fade {
                    id: fadeAnimation
                    property real offset: Math.random()
                    property real duration: 4000+4000*Math.random()
                    running: true; loops: Animation.Infinite
                    NumberAnimation {
                        from: 0.0; to: 1.0
                        duration: fadeAnimation.duration/2
                    NumberAnimation {
                        from: 1.0; to: 0.0
                        duration: fadeAnimation.duration/2
                color: Qt.rgba(0.95 + 0.05*Math.random(),
                               0.5 + 0.2*fade,
                               0.1 + 0.1*Math.random())
        Repeater {
            model: 200
            FallingCube { coolColor: fallingCubes.coolColor }


import Qt3D 1.0
import QtQuick 1.0
import Qt3D.Shapes 1.0

Item3D {
    id: fallingCube
    property color coolColor
    function reset() {
        yBehavior.enabled = false;
        fallingCube.y = 25
        yBehavior.enabled = true;
        fallingCube.x = 40*Math.random();
        fallingCube.y = -15
    Component.onCompleted: y = -15
    x: 40*Math.random(); y: 30*Math.random()-10; z: 20*(Math.random()-0.5)
    Behavior on x { SmoothedAnimation { velocity: 2*Math.random() } }
    Behavior on y {
        id: yBehavior
        SmoothedAnimation { velocity: 6+Math.random()*6 }
    Timer {
        interval: 100; repeat: true; running: true
        onTriggered: if (fallingCube.y < -9) fallingCube.reset()
    Cube {
        scale: 2
        effect: GoochShading {
            coolColor: fallingCube.coolColor
            warmColor: Qt.rgba(0.9 + 0.1*Math.random(),
                               0.2 + 0.2*Math.random(),
        transform: Rotation3D {
            axis: Qt.vector3d(Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random())
            SequentialAnimation on angle {
                id: angleAnimation
                property real offset: 360*Math.random()
                property real duration: 3000+3000*Math.random()
                running: true; loops: Animation.Infinite
                NumberAnimation {
                    from: angleAnimation.offset; to: 360
                    duration: (360-angleAnimation.offset)*angleAnimation.duration/360
                NumberAnimation {
                    from: 0; to: angleAnimation.offset
                    duration: angleAnimation.offset*angleAnimation.duration/360


import Qt3D 1.0
import QtQuick 1.0

ShaderProgram {
    property color warmColor
    property color coolColor
    vertexShader: "
        attribute highp vec4 qt_Vertex;
        attribute highp vec3 qt_Normal;

        uniform lowp vec4 warmColor;
        uniform lowp vec4 coolColor;

        uniform highp mat3 qt_NormalMatrix;
        uniform highp mat4 qt_ModelViewProjectionMatrix;
        uniform highp mat4 qt_ModelViewMatrix;

        varying float facingProjector;

        struct qt_SingleLightParameters {
            mediump vec4 position;
            mediump vec3 spotDirection;
            mediump float spotExponent;
            mediump float spotCutoff;
            mediump float spotCosCutoff;
            mediump float constantAttenuation;
            mediump float linearAttenuation;
            mediump float quadraticAttenuation;
        uniform qt_SingleLightParameters qt_Light;

        void main(void)
            highp vec4 vertex = qt_ModelViewMatrix * qt_Vertex;
            highp vec3 normal = normalize(qt_NormalMatrix * qt_Normal);
            highp vec3 light = normalize(qt_Light.position.xyz - vertex.xyz);
            facingProjector = clamp(dot(normal, light), 0.0, 1.0);
            gl_Position = qt_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * qt_Vertex;
    fragmentShader: "
        uniform lowp vec4 warmColor;
        uniform lowp vec4 coolColor;

        varying float facingProjector;

        void main(void)
            highp float ratio = 0.5 * (facingProjector + 1.0);
            gl_FragColor = mix(warmColor, coolColor, ratio);

2 thoughts on “Falling Cubes”

  1. Hi Joona,

    You have some lovely work posted here. I wanted to try out some of your patterns but many of them wouldn’t yield anything but a blank window with a console full of errors. In this case, I tried ColorColumn.qml

    The main errors in console are as follows;

    [W] unknown:31 – file:///usr/share/color-column/qml/pages/FirstPage.qml:31: ReferenceError: pixelsPerRelativeHeight is not defined
    [W] unknown:30 – file:///usr/share/color-column/qml/pages/FirstPage.qml:30: ReferenceError: rectangleColor is not defined

    From what I can see, it looks to me as if references are made but being ignored, but ‘unlike’ you, I am no expert with code!

    Nice work anyway, the images given are a form of art on their own.

    Perhaps a straight copy and paste of your code is not meant to work without some extra components??


    p.s. Long time SailfishOS user currently sporting Xperia 10ii and nursing 2 x Jolla1’s which form part of my home automation.

    1. Hi Markkyboy,

      Thanks! Glad you are enjoying my old examples. ๐Ÿ™‚ Regarding the issues you are seeing, in the code I am using the advantage of implicit context of QML documents (file) when referring to the properties and functions of the top-level item.

      If you copy the code snippet to within another QML document the implicit context changes so you may need to give explicit reference to the owner of those implicit properties and functions that used to work without. E.g. if Column had a property pixelsPerRelativeHeight and a function rectangleColor() give it id: column and add explicit reference when accessing its contents, e.g. column.pixelsPerRelativeHeight and column.rectangleColor() respectively.

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